Chelsea and Westminster

E: Martin.Benson@chelwest.nhs.uk
T: 0203 315 8484

Our Consultants

Martin Benson

Consultant General Surgeon



Dr Martin Benson is a top consultant gastroenterologist based in London. He specialises in pancreatic biliary disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease, endoscopy, peptic ulcer disease and cancer of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Dr Benson graduated from the University of London in 1982. He graduated with his medical degree in 1993 and later received a fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians in London in 2000.

He is an expertly trained gastroenterologist who diagnoses and treats a wide range of problems affecting the digestive system. In addition to his areas of expertise, he is highly experienced in treating upper gastrointestinal pain and constipation, as well as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. He also performs gastrointestinal malignancy screening and therapeutic endoscopy, which includes ultrasound, ERCP, and mucosal resection.

Professional expertise

  • Interventional Endoscopy
  • Pancreatic & Biliary disease
  • Upper GI malignancy
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • General Gastroenterology

Other contributions

Clinical Lead for Endoscopy, Representative on the Specialist Training Committee for Gastroenterology

Our Consultants

We provide to our private patients the very best Consultant-led care, delivering world-class clinical expertise in an outstanding care environment.