Chelsea and Westminster
E: ea.drnaeemahmed@gmail.com
Our Consultants
Naeem Ahmed
Clinical Director for Private Care and Consultant Musculoskeletal and Oncological Radiologist
BEM, MBBS, BSc, PgCert (Healthcare and Biomedical Education), PgDip (Sports and Exercise Medicine), FRCR, FRCP, FHEA
Dr Naeem Ahmed is the Clinical Director for Private Care at Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust. He is also a Consultant Radiologist with an interest in musculoskeletal and oncological imaging.
Naeem graduated from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals Medical School receiving the St Thomas’ Cup graduation prize. He completed Academic Foundation Training at the Division of Asthma, Allergy and Lung Biology at MRC Centre for Allergic Mechanisms in Asthma, King’s College London with former Head of School Professor Anne Greenough. Naeem completed radiology training in London with rotations including Royal Marsden Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and Royal Brompton Hospital and a subspecialty fellowship in musculoskeletal imaging at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital where he was appointed Consultant Radiologist. Naeem has undertaken international clinical visitations in musculoskeletal imaging at University Hospital Zurich and at the FIFA centre of Excellence Aspetar Sports and Orthopaedic Hospital in Qatar. Naeem has an interest in advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques including multiparametric MR and whole body diffusion imaging. Naeem set up and leads the whole body imaging service at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. Naeem is formed Associate Council member for the British Society of Skeletal Radiologists.
Naeem has multiple scientific publications and presentations, on topics including musculoskeletal imaging, health policy and reform. He is a former editorial board member of the Royal College of Physicians Clinical Medicine and Future Healthcare Journal. He received the British Medical Association Young Author Award in 2017 for his co-authored textbook on chest imaging.
Professional expertise
- Musculoskeletal MR, CT, and US including ultrasound, fluoroscopic, and CT guided injections.
- General plain radiograph, CT, and ultrasound (US) imaging
- Whole Body and multiparametric MR
Other contributions
In 2008, Na’eem founded Selfless, a non-governmental organisation working in Bangladesh, which supports healthcare delivery and global health leadership development through ‘skillanthropy’ in low-income settings. Naeem is a former Trustee of one of UK’s largest charities Macmillan Cancer Support and former member of Mayor of London’s volunteering Advisory Board ‘Team London’ for Mayor Boris Johnson. Naeem received Medallist of the Order of the British Empire in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 2019 for outstanding services to healthcare and volunteering and former Prime Minister David Cameron’s Point of Light Award.
In 2016, Na’eem noticed his colleagues on the frontline had the best ideas for improving an overstretched NHS, and his idea for a frontline feedback and quality improvement smartphone app went on to become award winning tech startup ImproveWell. Na’eem has held several health policy advisory roles including Senior Clinical Fellow to the NHS National Medical Director, Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State for International Development, Advisor to the former Chief Executive of the NHS, Sir Simon Stevens, and Senior Clinical and Policy Advisor to the Department of Health and Social Care, UK. His most notable healthcare role was Director of Workforce Supply, Safety, Modelling, Oversight and Deployment, and NHS Staff COVID-19 vaccinations at NHS England during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing assurance on the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine for NHS staff and overseeing the NHS’s response to workforce challenges prompted by the pandemic.
Professional memberships
- British Medical Association
- British Society of Skeletal Radiologists
- Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists
- Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Our Consultants
We provide to our private patients the very best Consultant-led care, delivering world-class clinical expertise in an outstanding care environment.