Inpatient Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
Our Inpatient Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapies therapists are a great team of experienced physiotherapists and occupational therapists covering a wide range of injuries, illnesses and disabilities. We have experience in acute respiratory physiotherapy, intensive care, complex surgical patients, neurology, orthopaedics, elderly care and acute medicine.
On Chelsea Wing we really believe in patient's optimisation prior the patient going home. If you need therapy you will be seen on a regular basis with the aim of going home with an optimal level of independence. Treatments may include but are not limited to mobility, exercise programmes, practicing activities of daily living and discharge advice. We are also involved with discharging you safely at home which can be done privately or via the NHS if you are eligible.
Physiotherapists work to help people to improve their mobility and regain their independence after an injury or as a result of ageing or a disability. We focus on maximising movement to improve the health and wellbeing of patients. We will work with people on a regular basis recommending exercises and advise people how to avoid injuries. We prescribe equipment and make referrals to the community physiotherapy team or private physiotherapy as outpatients.
How can you be referred to a physiotherapist? Your consultant will refer you to our services. However, you can also enquire about physiotherapy as an inpatient.
What is involved in physiotherapy?
- Assessing your muscle power, sensation, coordination, balance and function
- Assessing risk of falls
- Implementing your tailor-made physiotherapy programme on the ward, which could include (based on your assessment):
- Mobility retraining
- Strength and conditioning
- Endurance
- Balance work
- Respiratory physiotherapy
- Discharge advice
- Precautions
- We complete referrals for the community team or your private therapist.

What is involved in occupational therapy?
Occupational therapists work to engage patients in everyday and meaningful tasks which they need to do, are expected to do and want to do. These occupational tasks can include attending to your self-care needs, completing household tasks, accessing the community, working, driving, studying and pursuing leisure activities.
What is involved in occupational therapy treatment?
- Assessing when someone has had a change in their function prior to going home
- Setting person centre goals to achieve independence in everyday tasks
- Assessing risk of falls, pressure areas and delirium both on the ward and for home
- Implementing tailored therapy programmes on the ward
- Providing recommendations and arranging equipment for patients on the ward and at home
- Carrying out cognitive assessments for changes in thinking and memory and establishing cognitive rehabilitations programmes
- Referring to ongoing community based therapy and social services on discharge home from hospital
- Home access visits when clinically required to support discharges
- Providing carer support and training to families and carers
- Symptom management, including provision of fatigue management education and pacing techniques
- Assessment and establishment of tailored upper limb programmes.
How can you be referred to an occupational therapist on the ward?
Any member of your healthcare team can refer you to the occupational therapist but if you notice any difficulties with managing your everyday tasks, then do not hesitate to speak with your nurse or medical team directly about a referral.