General Medicine

British nurse taking senior man's blood pressure


Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Our consultant physicians have extensive experience to treat patients with a range of illnesses and conditions and work with an extensive clinical team within our hospitals to provide a full range of tests, scans and diagnostics as well as supportive treatments and specialised care.  

Across our private care services our general medicine specialists provide expertise in conditions including geriatric medicine and frailty, stroke care, rehabilitation, respiratory medicine, obstructive sleep apnoea and dementia. Our consultants and advanced clinical practitioners are also highly experienced in administering intravenous (IV) antibiotics as required for a range of relevant conditions.

Our General Medicine Consultants and Clinicians

Frederick Boyle

Consultant in General Medicine, Stroke Medicine and Geriatric Medicine
Chelsea and Westminster

Sofia Cavill

Consultant in Acute and General Internal Medicine
Chelsea and Westminster

Salwa Elmamoun

Consultant in Stroke, Geriatric Medicine and General Internal Medicine
Chelsea and Westminster

Anthony Greeves

Advanced Clinical Practitioner
Chelsea and Westminster

Ruth Akiyo Mizoguchi

Care of the Elderly Consultant & Dementia Lead
Chelsea and Westminster

Edson Nogueira

Consultant in Endocrinology, Diabetes and General Medicine
Chelsea and Westminster

Hannah Skene

Consultant in General and Acute Internal Medicine
Chelsea and Westminster

Our Consultants